速報APP / 教育 / Software Engineering

Software Engineering





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:New Delhi,India,Pin Code: 110003

Software Engineering(圖1)-速報App

The app is a complete free handbook of software engineering which covers important topics, notes, materials, news & blogs on the course. Download the software development app as a reference material & digital book for Computer science engineering programs & software degree courses.

This useful App lists 150 topics with detailed notes, diagrams, equations, formulas & course material, the topics are listed in 10 chapters which contains some important topics like data flow, project management, problem analysis and other programming related coding. The programming app is must have for all the engineering science students & professionals.

The app of software engineering provides quick revision and reference to the important topics like a detailed flash card notes, it makes it easy & useful for the student or a professional to cover the course syllabus quickly before an exams or interview for jobs. Learn about computer programming software development in an easy way.

Track your learning, set reminders, edit the study material, add favorite topics, and share the topics on social media.

You can also blog about engineering technology, innovation, engineering startups, college research work, project management, coding, problems analysis, Institute updates, and Informative links on course materials & education programs from your Smartphone or tablet or at www.engineeringapps.net.

Some of the topics Covered in the app are:

1) The Problem Domain

2) Software is Expensive

3) Late and Unreliable

4) Maintenance and Rework

5) The Software Engineering Challenges

6) Scale

7) Quality and Productivity

8) The Software Engineering Approach

Software Engineering(圖2)-速報App

9) Phased Development Process

10) Managing the Process

11) Software Development Life Cycle

12) Project Management Methodology

13) S/W Process

14) Component S/W Processes

15) Predictability

16) Support Testability and Maintainability

17) Support Change

18) Early Defect Removal

19) Process Improvement and Feedback

20) Waterfall Model

21) Iterative Development

22) The Spiral model

Software Engineering(圖3)-速報App

23) Comparison of Models

24) Project Management Process

25) The Inspection Process

26) Software Configuration Management Process

27) Requirements Change Management Process

28) Process Management Process

29) S/W Requirements Analysis

30) S/W Requirements Specification

31) Requirement Process

32) Problem Analysis

33) Informal Approach

34) Data Flow Modeling

35) Object-Oriented Modeling

36) Prototyping

Software Engineering(圖4)-速報App

37) Requirements Specification

38) Characteristics of a Software Requirement Specification

39) Components of a Software Requirements Specification

40) Specification Language

41) Structure of a Requirements Document

42) Functional Specification with Use Cases

43) Examples of use cases

44) Validation

45) Software Architecture

46) Architecture Views

47) Component and Connector View

48) Pipe and Filter

49) Shared-Data Style

50) Client-Server Style

Software Engineering(圖5)-速報App

51) Architecture and Design

52) Preserving the Integrity of an Architecture

53) Deployment View and Performance Analysis

54) Documenting Architecture Design

55) Evaluating Architectures

56) The Architectural Tradeoff Analysis Method

57) Project Categorization

58) What is management?

59) Setting objectives

60) The Business Case

61) Planning a S/W Project

62) COCOMO Model

63) Project Scheduling and Staffing

64) Software Configuration Management Plan

Software Engineering(圖6)-速報App

65) Defect Injection and Removal Cycle

66) Approaches to Quality Management

67) Risk Management

68) Risk Assessment

69) Risk Control

70) A Practical Risk Management Approach

71) Project Monitoring Plan

72) Function-Oriented Design

73) Design Principles

74) Problem Partitioning and Hierarchy

75) Abstraction

76) Top-Down and Bottom-Up Strategies

77) Data Flow

Each topic is complete with diagrams, equations and other forms of graphical representations for better learning.

Software Engineering(圖7)-速報App

Software Engineering is part of Computer Science engineering education courses, Information technology & software degree programs of various universities.

Software Engineering(圖8)-速報App